Cutillo Park's New Trash Barrel

The lone trash barrel in Cutillo Park, which was a 55-gallon drum, was recently taken away by the Parks Department because of several instances of the disposal of household trash in the barrel.  Friends of Cutillo Park worked with the Parks Department to get a more park-like trash barrel in Cutillo Park; the new barrel was placed at the Park on Friday.  The Friends group will also be distributing flyers and posting signs in the Park to discourage things like household trash.  Even without its trash barrel, Cutillo Park has been much cleaner than usual, thanks to the efforts of the Park’s neighbors and users.  It appears that many people are picking up some trash in the Park now and then.  Friends of Cutillo Park would like to thank everyone who has been helping out!  A little effort by a lot of people can make a big difference in the neighborhood.  Hopefully that will carry over into the North End Clean Streets program, which is just getting started. 

Kirsten HoffmanComment